Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Junior High + Hormones = Creative Art

Welcome all to my drama filled life. My name is Corina Crump. I live in the tiny town of Gillette, Wyoming where everyone knows everyone.  I ‘m a junior high Art teacher at Twin Spruce. Between the gossip and hormones my days are quite busy. 

 I teach 8th grade Art II and 9th grade Clay animation.  I decided to get my Masters in Technology in Education to advance my abilities with technology. Clay animation requires me to understand and teach many different forms of technology and software.  Did I mention I’m technology illiterate. Majority of my students teach me about my computer and the different programs it has to offer.

This generation is constantly documenting everything they say and do. It’s exhausting to keep up with new technology trends. My lack of knowledge makes me feel like a grandma banging at the keyboard, and I’m not much older than my students. I’m determining to further my understanding and hopefully one day exceeds my student’s knowledge of technology.

Until then I’ll keep you posted from the trenches while I deal with each mini teen crisis one at a time.

Signing off


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