Sunday, September 11, 2011

RSS Article Reflection

How to explain RSS the Oprah way

         The article that "Back in skinny jeans" wrote about RSS was easy to understand and makes RSS feeds seem very practical.  Why haven't I heard of these before. They're easy to create and operate and so convenient. Now apparently RSS stands for " Really Simple Syndication" whatever "Syndication" means. Tekkies understand that word but not me. So Oprah has created her own lingo. According to the big O RSS stands for "Ready for Some Stories". Shouldn't the acronym be RFSS? Oh well she's Oprah she can do what she wants. 
         I recently created my own RSS feed using Google reader. I'm having a blast getting aquatinted with all the features. As of right now I have two blogs on my reader. My sister in law has her own blog where she shares her day to day family life in the country. Her blog is called "Little mama on the Prairie." The second blog I have on my reader is about my very crafty good friend who lives in St. Louis. Being able to view her blog keeps me updated with what's going on in her life.
         I'm not sure how this wonderful technology would work in my classroom. I tend to use the internet for historical artifacts about artists. I guess I could have museum web sites on my class reader and the students could view new exhibits the museums have to offer. I can see how other classrooms would benefit from having an updated list of what's new on educational sites. RSS feeds are awesome. 

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