Saturday, September 10, 2011

Web 2.0 in the classroom

               Web 2.0 has had a positive impact on education. It has created a richer internet environment. With all three components (RIA, SOA, and social web) of Web. 2.0 work together the internet creates great possibilities and opportunities for students.
               The social network especially has many beneficial opportunities such as; podcast, blogging, and wiki's. Students can interact and gather feed back from other peers and teachers.
               As with any other form of technology there will always be some challenges to overcome in the classroom. Students are easily distracted by all the bells and whistles the internet has to offer. they also trust site information and are mislead easily. Restrictions, expectations and limitations will need to be put into place before use.
               Regardless of the challenges that come with Web 2.0 it has many new and exciting services. With proper limits and instruction Web 2.0 will be extremely beneficial to student learning and development.

               Signing off

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Searching the Internet: Comparison

Topic: Albino animal’s life span
Google Search Engine
 1,170,000 results/hits
I didn’t include Boolean words but many of the results have those words in them.
The links directly relate to the topic I typed into the search engine I got results about different animals many sites were about multiple albino animals’, and magazines about albino animals.
The Google site has many link options: images, maps, mail, shopping, news and videos.  It also shows where you’re located.
Google appears automatically as my search engine at the top of my screen next to the web address window.
Yahoo Search engines
362,000 results/ hits
I didn’t include Boolean words and only 1 result had the word “and “in it.
The links are related to the topic; some of them are more creative than the fact sites from Google. The Yahoo search included albino people, fun facts and specific albino animals in the results.
Yahoo doesn’t have any links but it will search images. Yahoo will filter your search by time: day, week, and month.
Ask Jeeves search engine
The number of hits I couldn’t find. But there were more than 10 pages.
I didn’t include Boolean words and only 1 result had the word “of “in it.
The links are related to the topic. Many of them are very specific. Most links are dedicated to one animal. There is also a link dedicated to different life spans.
Ask search engine has many different ways to search: images, video, references and news.
Ask also has many other options you can discuss your question with others over the internet, they have popular Q&A, and related searches.
Topic: Keith Herring: Artist Biography 
WebCrawler Search engine
20 results were found
I didn’t include Boolean words and there were no Boolean words in any results.
Although the links relate to my topic the top sites are shopping sites. As you scroll down the sites become biographies and other sites about Keith herring.
WebCrawler retrieves sites from other search engines. In this case Google, yahoo and bing were used.
On WebCrawler you can also search as an image, news, video, yellow pages and white pages.
MetaCrawler search engine
There are more than 9 pages of results. They’re separated by Ads and web results.
Because the sites are separated it was easier to know what was valid information and what wasn’t. The sites were very informative I found a fun coloring site for elementary students.
MetaCrawler  also retrieves sites from other search engines. It also uses Google, yahoo and bing.
Meta Crawler also has” popular searches”, “were you looking for?”, &”resent searches”, advanced searches and preferences.
Also on MetaCrawler you can also search as an image, news, video, yellow pages and white pages.
Bing search engine
1-10 of 89,100 results
The links relate directly to the topic. The top site is Wikipedia; which can be manipulated by anyone. After the top few sites there are informative sites.
Bing has many link options: images, maps, mail, shopping, news and videos. Bing also offers advanced search, search histories and hotmail and msn.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Book Reflections: Chapter 1,2,&5

Web Literacy for Educators: By Alan November

         I was under the impression that this text was going to be boring. This read is quite interesting. I enjoyed that most of the content is aimed at educators. It's been very informative.

         I must admit I was one of those poorly educated souls that used one search engine and clicked at the top of the site results. No more. Now that I know that companies pay to have their site at the top of a search engine; and that all search engines are not created equal.

         I'm excited to know now that I can use a host:command or url: command to narrow my search. I'll save so much time.I'm ready to create a virtual index to navigate the internet quicker and more efficient. I'll look for creditable extensions such as gov.,edu., and org. Not only will I benefit from my new knowledge but so will my students.

         The assessments at the end of each chapter helped me reinforce what I've read. Next time I search the internet I'll be armed and ready.

Signing off