Monday, October 3, 2011

Chapter 3&4 reflections

Making sure sites on the Internet are valid is such an important element of research; especially for educational purposes. It's good to know there is a method for checking URL qualifications. The REAL system is a great guide line for students to use. I especially like that its a mnemonic device. It makes it easy to remember.

But like in life the REAL system isn't always effective. Which is typical. The Internet is a great tool, but is also a scary source of information. We have to have child blocks and methods of verification. Which are not full proof methods of validation. In a perfect world we wouldn't have to worry about accurate sites. maybe the Internet should have to have all their validation information visible.

I think it's crazy that there are so many sites that seem perfectlly ligitamate but are miss leading and have invalid information. Im all for freedom of speach though. Im very torn about all this. People should be able to express themselves but we should also be able to validate their site for our information quality.

Sorry I was so back and forth on the subject.

Signing out.