Monday, September 19, 2011

Course Reflections

          College has been a walk down memory lane. Although this time I'm actually retaining information and making it to class. I'm not sure why I was so afraid to tackle an online degree. I'm actually enjoying my online experience.
          During this particular class I've gotten to know the Internet in depth. I'm excited to understand URLs language and what each section of a URL means. Understanding these sections will help me and my students verify what information is quality and what is fiction. Starting a blog is very excited. My teaching partner and I are planning to incorporate a blog into our class rooms so parents and students can view what projects we're working on. this will keep everyone connected.
           I'm excited to tackle new web quests. We created a web quest in ECOMP 5000 and I use it in my clay animation class. I'm looking forward to learning more about web quests and how to make them. I'm sure there is a enormous amount of information still to be acquired. Bring it on ... I'm ready.

Signing off.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about walking down memory lane! I was worried too about online coursework but it has been very exciting! Love your enthusiasm!!

    Having trouble posting comments here but it is Liz from your ecomp6001 class!
